school Office

Useful information for Mathews families from the school's front office.  



Bell Schedule

Carpool Procedure


Deliveries to Students

Schedules (by Grade Level) 




Pickup/Dismissal Changes



The ChildSafe number is: 469-752-2300, option 3.
Please remember to call this number if your child will be absent or has an appointment; even if they will be returning to school. A call must be placed each day your child is absent.



Remember to send an Absence Note with your child upon his/her return to school after all absences! All Absence Notes must be signed by a parent or guardian (e-mails are not acceptable). Even if you've called the Childsafe line or e-mailed the teacher, a written note is required within 3 days of the absence. After 3 days, district policy requires the school to record the absence as unexcused, regardless of the reason.



Bell Schedule

7:00 am - Carpool doors open - supervision in gym
7:30 am - Front doors open - students to classrooms
7:40 am - Tardy Bell
9:00 am - Attendance Bell
3:00 pm - Dismissal Bell


Specials Schedule (updated 7/22/2019)


 7:50 am -  8:40 am - Fifth Grade
 8:45 am -  9:35 am - Fourth Grade
 9:40 am -10:30 am - Third Grade
11:50 am -12:40 pm -  Second Grade
12:50 pm - 1:40 pm -  Kindergarten
 1:45 pm -  2:35 pm -  First Grade


Lunch Schedule (updated 7/22/2019)

10:30 am - 11:00 am -  Second Grade
11:00 am - 11:30 am - First Grade
11:30 am - 12:00 pm - Kindergarten
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm  - Fourth Grade
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm -  Fifth Grade
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm -  Third Grade


Recess Schedule (updated 7/22/2019)

10:00 - Second Grade
11:00 - Fifth Grade
11:30 - First Grade
12:00 - Kindergarten
12:30 - Fourth Grade
12:50 - Third Grade




Student Deliveries

We want to make sure all of our students have the items and information they need.  To limit classroom interruptions, forgotten items (backpacks, books, lunches, etc.) and notes advising of a change of transportation are delivered at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm only.



The school year has begun; please review this carpool map to ensure you drop off and pick up in just the right way!

Changes to Normal Dismissal/Pickup

To keep your student safe, please send in changes to dismissal ahead of time.  The preferred method is a note sent directly to your child’s teacher, however, you may also call or email or 469-752-2300.  In either case, the school should receive notification as early in the day as possible to ensure the change is communicated.  Changes called in after 2:00 pm should be reserved for emergencies only.


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(Updated 07-03-2024 by Madhur Jain)

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